Since 2009 the museum has been certified under the voluntary international environmental standard ISO 14001. The museum works systematically on environmental considerations and sustainability based on an “environmental management system” (EMS). The system also functions as an aid to ensure that current legislation is adhered to. Every member of staff is responsible for environmental management and the museum is regularly inspected by external environmental auditors.

The Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums (SMTM), which the Vasa Museum is part of, has a sustainability policy which covers environmental, social and financial sustainability. Our sustainability policy acts as a support in the efforts to contribute to the Swedish National Environmental Quality Objectives and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in agenda 2030.

SMTM has sustainability objectives which span over a number of years and three long-term goals linked to sustainable development: The greenhouse gas objective, The travel and meetings objective, and The inspiration objective.

Here are some examples of how the Vasa Museum is working with sustainability:

Protecting heritage

To protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage is one aspect of the global sustainable development goals. By preserving the Vasa, the Museum is contributing to the protection of cultural heritage. The climate control system in the museum, which is necessary for the preservation of the ship, is run on renewable electricity and draws extra energy from seawater underneath the building.

Sustainable exhibitions

When new exhibitions are installed, material is used which meets high environmental and sustainability requirements.

The museum staff keep a close check on all chemical products used, for example paints and substances to preserve museum artifacts. Hazardous chemicals are replaced with environmentally friendly alternatives, and old light sources are changed to LED.

In the Vasa Museum garden, situated outside the museum, which functions as an outdoor exhibition area, plants which have a strong resistance to pest insects and the like are grown toxin-free. The garden provides crops for the museum restaurant.

Sorting at source

At the Vasa Museum all waste is sorted so that as much as possible can be recycled. The restaurant serves locally sourced, organic food, the waste from which is exploited as biofuel.

Reduced use of fossil fuels

The Vasa Museum and SMTM work continuously to reduce the use of fossil fuels. For example, trains are prioritised over aeroplanes for business travel, or travel is replaced with virtual meetings.

Environmental awareness

All staff at SMTM are trained in environmental awareness. In all parts of the museum we strive to think of the best alternative from a sustainability point of view. It might be related to the choice of paper for printing, the transport of objects, business travel or the purchase of goods and services. And the coffee consumed in our offices is, of course, eco-labelled.

Suggest improvements

At the Vasa Museum we are happy to receive suggestions for improvements from our visitors. It might, for example, be an energy-saving measure another clever idea you came up with or know of. Do you have suggestions for improvements? Please send an email to:


Further information

If you would like to know more about the sustainability work at SMTM and/or the Vasa Museum, visit the SMTM website: