[panorama over the Vasa Museum with time-lapse photography of veils of mist moving over and in front of the building] We want the Vasa to live for many generations to come, [time-lapse photography of visitors queuing at the entrance to the museum] and continue to delight visitors from all over the world.

[video shows sequence of visitors inside the museum moving in front of the ship and around the building] To be able to do this, we need to make choices and decisions that reduce the impact on the environment.

As a visitor, you can make this possible [video shows visitors at the side of the ship]. With your help, we can [panorama over the museum, with time-lapse photography of visitors and the Vasa ship on the right in the frame, viewed from stern to stem] use the collected entrance fees to protect and safeguard the Vasa ship as a piece of cultural heritage [new angle with time-lapse photography, with details of the ship’s hull on the right in the frame].

[video changes to a sequence with the port side of the ship on the left in the frame, viewed from stem to stern] Protecting the world’s cultural heritage is part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals [view of the Vasa Museum’s facade]. Through your visit today, you are taking part in [view of Stockholm with the Vasa Museum in the middle and Gröna Lund on the right in the frame]:

  • a climate control system that is powered by renewable electricity [video sequence of sun reflected in the water surface with a spider web above; focus is first on the web and then moves to the rippling water surface] and draws additional energy from the seawater outside the museum,
  • [video sequence showing an exhibition inside the museum; Swedish text meaning “Vasa’s Women. Always present – often invisible” is on the right of the frame and visitors are moving on the left] sustainable exhibitions [video changes to show a woman and a man talking and reflected in a stand in the exhibition; the stand contains a woman's bust and a blurred text is visible on the right of the frame] that broaden the historical perspectives on women and men,
  • [a visitor with a cap and backpack uses a camera to take a photo of a wooden figure] a museum for many: [a man and a woman are shown from behind, silhouetted against a reconstructed film sequence showing how Vasa was built] the story of Vasa is told in over 30 languages in displays, [video changes to show a visitor with headphones and backpack, holding his mobile phone and looking at it] in audio guides and on the website,
  • [one of the restaurant’s employees is shown on the left of the frame; he is holding a cup and smiling as the camera pans to the right to show two visitors] the restaurant, which serves local and organic food, and where all food waste is turned into biofuel [video sequence of a tray being carried away; there are two cups and a pastry on the tray] and all ingredients are put to good use,
  • [video now shows one of the ship’s masts seen from below against spotlights on the ceiling] a museum that replaces old light sources with LEDs [the camera pans to a close-up from below of one of the ship's carved figures with a spotlight in the background],
  • [video sequence of a man in a wheelchair moving through the museum accompanied by two women] an accessible museum [video changes to show a man and a woman listening] with a hearing loop in the auditorium, [a detail from a wooden ship model showing the inside of the ship is shown, focusing on a female figure sitting on one of the ship’s decks] Braille material to borrow [camera zooms out to show two visitors standing in front of the model of the ship] and lifts to all floors,
  • [video changes to show a red sign with Swedish text meaning “The Vasa Museum Garden” sitting on a weathered wall; there is a bench under the sign] and, not least, you take in a tranquil garden [video sequence showing some of the garden's crops with an employee raking a gravel path in the left foreground and two more employees working in the right background] that inspires non-toxic cultivation [video shows a thistle butterfly sitting on an orange gerbera in the foreground with more flowers and greenery in the background, which is out of focus] and supplies the restaurant with crops.

[sequence in the form of a flyover of the Vasa Museum on the left of the frame with the Nordic Museum in the middle] Every choice counts. Even the small ones. Taken together, they make a difference, [flyover from a different angle with boat docks in the foreground and the Vasa Museum along with the Nordic Museum in the middle of the frame; camera moves in an arc from left to right] and make the world a little better.

[the museum's logo is shown with a picture of the Vasa ship and Swedish text meaning “The Vasa Museum”] Welcome to the Vasa Museum! [the background behind the logo fades to black before the video ends]